Welcome to the Inflection Point.
Right now, leaders and organizations around the world are examining the negative organizational impact of racial inequities. Why? Because they are committed to transforming their practices and delivering business outcomes that are fair, just, and equitable for all the people they serve.
At Diversity by Design we are working to remove systemic barriers and help organization and communities to leverage their collective talents, dreams, and skills to build a world where we all can thrive.

Who we help.
Your organization's systemic racial barriers are deeply embedded in your unique culture and business processes. We work with organizations and leaders who are ready and willing to begin the systemic journey to true equity, inclusion, and diversity.

Our Approach.
We use Design Thinking, a people-centered, problem solving framework to meet you right where you are. We’ll help you to grow your capacity to think, speak, and act in ways that deliver equitable business outcomes and experiences.
Equity Assessment
Where are you now? What are your skills and gaps?
Level Up
What are your most critical learning needs? What do you need to know, now?
Equity Vision
What are the ideal types of experiences you want to create & why?
Road Mapping
How will you plan your journey and celebrate milestones reached?

Let's build a more equitable world.
Join us, take the first step and see how Diversity by Design can help you build-in and build-up organizational equity.
Have questions? Email us at carrie@diversitybydesign.us OR schedule an equity coaching session!
Carrie M. Sawyer, CEO
Meet the Founder
Carrie Sawyer is the CEO of Diversity by Design, a San Diego firm that uses design thinking to help leaders cultivate inclusive environments where teams can do their best work. With almost two decades of experience in human centered design, Carrie launched Diversity by Design after using her people-centered approach to build and implement diversity and inclusion strategies at both Intel and Qualcomm. She loves sharing inclusive insights that elevate business thinking and help teams to perform at their highest levels.
Carrie recently launched the Inclusion 1st™ Project, a collaborative exploration of Inclusion through the questions and discourse of allies in the Anti-racist Movement. By creating a safe space for honest dialog, her goal is to support allies who want to unlearn racism from the inside out and co-create societal frameworks that put inclusion first.
Carrie is a creative, master manifester, and design thinker dedicated to co-creating a world where we all can thrive.